Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sanjay Pelinski

                                                                    Sanjay Pelinski

                                                     An Elephant Ruined My Zoetrope

                                                   Metal Pipe, Wood, Cloth, and Paper.

                                                                       1.5’ x 8” x 3’

Like any Ringmaster, my initial endeavor was to entertain. I designed a cranked Zoetrope so one audience member could participate in the excitement. While crafting my Zoetrope I began to juggle materials, which fought each other like untamed beasts, but the show must go on. I stumbled upon a story saying the Ringling Brothers were freeing their elephants and they would no longer be a spectacle in their circus. I briefed through the web on elephants in the ring and discovered they are drastically abused, and they often retaliate. My abuse of the materials in my piece blended the line between me as the abuser and me as the abused. In the end, I am the elephant that ruined my Zoetrope.